Friday, February 13, 2009

A Dog Day Afternoon

Dogs rule in Buenos Aires. 

There are no laws saying that anyone has to pick up after them when they do their business, even if it's in the middle of the sidewalk.

When dogs are trotting along with their people, they are not always on a leash. Yet they seem to know not to run into traffic or bother people eating at the sidewalk cafes that exist everywhere. J believes this is an example of Darwin at work: the stupid dogs have simply been culled by now.

J took the above photo Friday afternoon downtown on busy, bustling Ave. de Mayo. Now, while we have seen many, many dogs in a similarly prostrate position on the city's sidewalks, they usually are not in the middle of the sidewalk. To be fair, Friday was quite sizzling, with temps in the low-to-mid 90s. Poor fella, can't really blame him.


Unknown said...

Just curious --- What prompted you to go to BA? t&j

caseydog said...

Because the video poker king talked them into it! :-)

Forecast high in BA for Saturday: 94 degrees. But cooling down to 89 or 90 every day from Sunday on.

For the record, it wasn't quite that warm the past two Februaries when I was down there ...

Unknown said...

Thanks caseydog - the mystery is solved! t&j